Jonathan Nadal, ND LAc

Jonathan Nadal, ND lac


Jonathan Nadal, holding a Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Master in Science of Oriental Medicine from NUNM, underwent an extensive six-year program, inclusive of three internship years in both NUNM's main clinic and various community clinics in Portland. Dr. Nadal boasts advanced skills in functional and regenerative medicine, and 5-Element acupuncture. He's gained vast experience in mental health and aiding Portland's under-served communities.

Jonathan was born and raised in Miami, FL where the sunshine and ocean left a lifelong love for being immersed in nature. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Florida International University, where he placed emphasis in applied behavior analysis and industrial and organizational psychology. When he is not practicing medicine, you can find Jonathan with his wife and sweet new baby girl or behind his drums playing in local Portland bands.