Naturopathic Physician

Heidi Wilson, ND MS


My path to naturopathic medicine began with a passion for mental health and a core belief that every human is wonderfully complicated in their own beautiful and unique way. 

I specialize in integrative mental health, which means that I holistically support patients in how they experience the world - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I work directly with mental health conditions and neurodivergence, as well as physical conditions that often overlap, such as chronic fatigue, IBS, insomnia, and pain.  

Treatment approach

My approach to patient care is driven by my core values of curiosity, compassion, and authenticity. I’m particularly drawn to working with individuals who feel “other”ed by society or are treated as “less than” by the medical system. I feel strongly about practicing through a Health at Every Size (HAES) lens and providing a body positive/weight neutral space. I don’t assume what “health” means to any one person. Rather, I meet my patients where they are, learn about their lived experience, and partner with them to explore treatments or interventions that feel truly doable.

In addition to naturopathic modalities and pharmaceuticals as treatment options, I may incorporate counseling into patient visits. This may include discussing skills and tools that can be practiced at home, mindfulness techniques, somatic awareness, or exploring creative ways to make a patient’s environment more conducive to their goals. I also love working on optimizing individuals’ foundations of health: sleep, nourishment/nutrition, movement, stress management, and joy. 

My background

I have a Master of Science in Integrative Mental Health in addition to my Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine. Over the last 15 years, I’ve worked in various roles in the mental health field. Through my experiences in case management, residential treatment, and inpatient care, I’ve seen the strengths and weaknesses of conventional mental health care. I was delighted when I first discovered Amenda Clinic, where they were offering a truly holistic approach to mental health care. It was my “Aha!” moment and it sparked my pursuit of becoming a naturopathic doctor. 

Beyond the practitioner role

  • My heart belongs to my big fluffy dog and my little black cat.

  • I find joy in dancing, being barefoot in grass, taking strolls through the forest, exuberant silliness, and geeking out on Star Wars. I find meaning and inspiration in nature, art, and music. 

  • Ongoing endeavors: Challenging and unlearning intrinsic bias related to ableism, race, gender, sexuality, body size, neurodiversity, and any other potential blind spots. Learning about (and fully embracing) how my brain works and helping other neurodivergent folks do the same.

  • A few more “likes:” Playing with herbs, drinking tea, chocolate, silly jokes and puns, cozy slippers, battling my inner perfectionist monster with abstract art experimentation, and one-minute solo dance parties.